Founding my first start up.

Kennedy Mwangi
2 min readNov 20, 2020


allcomrades influencers

In 2016, i was admitted to Karatina university to pursue a bachelor’s degree in Information Technology. This was a new field for me because i had just applied for the course hoping for the best but also expecting the worst since i was not so much familiar with computers prior.

In first year, you cover general units in computer and as you go by you start diving into programming before you specialize in close of second year. By the time i was in second year, i had written some small programs in C and C++ programming language and so i was sure that programming was my way ahead.

On joining the first semester of third year, Mr Kariuki who was our lecturer then introduced us in to internet programming, fancy unit huh!!. I loved this unit so much that even when we were given a four month project i did it in two months. I was so dedicated in learning JavaScript, HTML and CSS.

That was just the beginning of my tech journey, more was still ahead. We closed the semester and headed home for the Christmas holidays scheduled to come for the next semester in January 2019. On opening, a friend of mine Andayi Johnson introduced me to this idea he had in his mind. He informed of how he had dreamt of a platform that could make it easier for comrades (university students) to be able to access essential services easily.

At the time, the idea was so generic. We did not have a major to start with and this led to tone of failures along the way until in January 2020 when we decided to focus on offering a market place and bringing services of a local fast food restaurant online.

Up to now i specialize in developing the web platform whereas the others specialize in gaining clients, social media posts and creating awareness. I can acknowledge that the future of allcomrades (our project) is bright by simply narrowing to the urgent needs of students in Karatina university.

Feel free to check out the project at:

I am also in Toptal as a freelance developer in React js check out here:



Kennedy Mwangi

Passionate software developer writing code in JavaScript. Co-founder of allcomrades.